Thursday, May 24, 2007

taraxacum officinale

Dandelion is a common weed that grows widely throughout the northern hemisphere in pastures, meadows and lawns. The name dandelion means lion’s tooth and the plant is named for the jagged edges of its leaves that resemble teeth. Even though dandelion is considered a weed, its roots and tops are extremely valuable for medicinal purposes. Dandelion root contains a large number of nutritive salts that make it useful as an herbal remedy for a variety of conditions. The medicinal use of dandelion root dates back to tenth century Arabia, where it was used to treat liver conditions.

Dandelion root stimulates bile secretion. The liver is the largest filter in the body. This self cleaning filter removes its debris by dumping it into the bile. The bile then flows into the intestinal tract and is eliminated in the stool. Therefore, the greater the bile flow, the greater the cleansing of the liver. The high choline content of the root is one ingredient which helps this tonifying effect. Dandelion root contains a bitter, milky juice that is thought to be capable of energizing the body. It also has properties that can detoxify the body and purify the blood. Dandelion root is one of the ingredients in our Liver Combo. The other ingredinets are Milk Thistle, Licorice, Nettle Leaf and Schisandra.

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