Wednesday, November 21, 2007

what is hepatitis?

Hepatitis means inflammation (itis) of the liver (hepar), an irritation or swelling of the liver cells. The different types of hepatitis are caused by different things, but they all produce inflammation of the liver. Viral hepatitis refers to several common diseases caused by viruses that attack the liver. The most common types of viral hepatitis are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Hepatitis A is considered the least threatening since it generally does not lead to liver damage, and 99% of those infected fully recover. Hepatitis B is a serious viral disease that attacks the liver. Approximately 2-10% of adults and 25-80% of children under the age of 5 will not be able to clear the virus in six months and are considered to be chronically infected. Hepatitis C also causes inflammation of the liver, with an estimated 80% of those infected developing chronic hepatitis. Many can develop cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), and some may also develop liver cancer. Newly discovered forms of viral hepatitis also include hepatitis D, E, and G. Non-viral forms of hepatitis can be caused by toxic agents (drugs or chemicals), alcohol, or autoimmune processes. Another form of hepatitis is toxic hepatitis. Globally, it is estimated that around 250 million people are affected by hepatitis C. Moreover, an estimated 400 million people are chronic carriers of hepatitis B. Liver Combo with Milk Thistle (200 mg), Dandelion (200 mg), Licorice (50 mg), Nettle Leaf (50 mg) and Schisandra (50mg) is a powerful combination in order to protect the liver.

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