Friday, October 12, 2007

the eye

The eyes are complex sensory organs. They are designed to optimize vision under conditions of varying light. Their location, on the outside of the face, makes them susceptible to trauma, environmental chemicals and particles, and infectious agents. The eyelids are the major protective mechanism for the eye. The eye consists of the eyeball, the upper and lower eyelids, and the conjunctivas. The eyeball consists of a clear, transparent dome at the front (the cornea) that is surrounded by the white of the eyeball (the sclera). The iris of the eye is the circular, colored portion within the eyeball and behind the cornea, and the pupil is the central opening within the iris. Behind the iris and pupil is the eye's lens. The inner sides of the eyelids which touch the eyeball are covered by a thin membrane (the palpebral conjunctiva) that produces mucus to lubricate the eye. This thin membrane folds back on itself and covers the visible sclera of the eyeball. (This continuation of the palpebral conjunctiva is called the bulbar conjunctiva.) The tissue between the skin of the eyelid and the palpebral conjunctiva is filled with glands that secrete sebum, an oily substance that provides additional lubrication for the eye. Tears are formed by the lacrimal gland in the upper, outer corner of the eye and are collected and drained by the lacrimal sac in the inner, lower corner of the eye. Natural oil for the tears is produced by tiny glands located at the edges of the eyelids.
Evidence-based medicine suggests that certain nutrients, specifically antioxidants and lutein, play a significant role in eye health. The landmark Age Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), which was a National Eye Institute and National Institute for Health funded study, discovered that there was a significant decrease in the progression of vision loss in patients with macular degeneration taking antioxidants supplements. Eye Combo from Nepatica is full of antioxidants, the powerful ingredients are 400 mg of Bilberry together with 100 mg Ginkgo Biloba, 100mg Grape Seed Extract, 100 mg tomato and 5 mg Lutein.

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